■US Standard (winter) Time / 米標準 (冬) 時間 November 1st Sunday – March 2nd Sunday / 11月第1日曜日〜3月第2日曜日 [Australia DST, オーストラリア夏時間] ■US Daylight Savings (summer) Time / 米夏時間 March 2nd Sunday – November 1st Sunday / 3月第2日曜日〜11月第1日曜日 [Australia Eastern Standard (winter) Time / オーストラリア冬時間]
Quickly convert US measurement units such as inches, feet, pounds, and gallon in to metric or unique Japanese measurement units. Length / 長さ US Metric 1” (inch) 25.4 mm 1’ (foot) = 12” 30.48 cm = 304.8 mm 1 yard […]
In addition to the Western Gregorian calendar, Japan also uses a unique Japanese calendar system based on the number of years the current Emperor has been in reign. 2019 is year 31 of the Heisei era, or the 31st year […]
English big numbers are expressed in multiple of thousands. Japanese express big numbers in multiple of ten-thousands. This can create a lot of confusion. Here’s a quick reference table. Japanese English 一 Ichi 1 十 Ju 10 百 Hyaku 100 […]