Nothing will disrupt a trip quite like jet lag. Daytime fatigue, difficulty falling and staying asleep, and mental fatigue are just a few of the many symptoms that can be caused by traveling to another time zone. Many Americans who travel to Japan find themselves battling jet lag throughout their stay, and this can color the entire experience with a tinge of unpleasantness. In today’s post, we’ll cover a few of the most effective ways to beat jet lag as you travel to Japan.
Tsuyaku America can help you find a professional Japanese interpreter to accompany you to Japan for a business meeting, conference, and more! Get started by filling out our convenient online contact form, and read on to learn how you can avoid jet lag during your next international trip.
How to Avoid Jet Lag
Adjust Your Bedtime 
No matter where in the United States you reside, there is a significant time difference between Japan and the US. For example, Friday at 4:00 p.m. on the East Coast is 6:00 a.m. Saturday in Japan!
Adjusting your bedtime seven to 10 days before you land is a great way to prime your body for a new time zone. However, many people have a difficult time adjusting their sleep-wake cycle due to work and other lifestyle demands. If you find yourself in this camp, then try to arrive in Japan while the sun is still up, as the natural light can help you stay awake. While staying up until it’s nighttime in Japan might be difficult, you’ll get a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed!
Arrive Early
If you’re traveling to Japan for an important conference or meeting, we recommend arriving a few days before the event in order to allow your body to adjust. You don’t want to show up to the event feeling fatigued or less than your best, and having a few days to explore the local area will be a great way to decompress. If you’ve hired a Japanese interpreter through Tsuyaku America, then they can either meet you before your event or accompany you for the entire trip.
Drink Plenty of Water
It’s far too easy to become dehydrated when you travel. Between caffeinated beverages, airplane cocktails, and limited access to water on international flights, many people arrive at their destination fatigued due to dehydration. Any containers you bring on the flight will need to be TSA-compliant, but you can bring an empty water bottle to refill before you board. We recommend drinking at least 8 ounces of water for every hour you’re in the air. While this might initially seem like a lot, your body will thank you when you land and deboard!
Contact a Japanese Interpreter Today!
We hope that today’s entry will be useful if you are planning a trip to Japan. Stay tuned for more posts, as we’ll continue to provide you with travel tips and other helpful resources in the coming weeks and months.
Tsuyaku America can help you find a Japanese interpreter to accompany you on your next trip to Japan. Get in touch with us today to learn more!